Eva Schindling
Creative technology, system thinking, brainwaves, tinkering and exploring, in search of moments of awe, and always learning.
From Austria, based in Montreal, Canada

Eva Schindling (Austria) received a MSc. in Art and Technology from Chalmers University in Sweden and a degree in Interaction and Media Design from FH Joanneum in Austria. She creates hardware and software solutions in the interdisciplinary zone between art, science, technology and design. Driven by a fascination for the emergence of complexity and the nature of reality her research puts a focus on the dynamics of non-linear processes. Her work ranges from embodied evolutionary robotics, algorithmic pattern formation to the visualization of otherwise invisible sound waves and has been shown at the Japan Media Arts festival, Hong Kong’s Museum of Art, Moscow’s Biennale of Contemporary Art, Burning Man, the Pixxelpoint festival in Slovenia, and Nuit Blanche Toronto.
After stints in Hong Kong and at the Banff New Media Institute, she is now the Technology Director at Montreal studio Daily tous les jours. Together with a interdiscplinary team she helps create large-scale public interactive artworks.
- 2005-2007 MSc. Art & Technology, IT-University & Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
- 2000-2004 Informationdesign, Major Interaction and Media Design, University of Applied Science FH Joanneum, Graz, Austria
- 1995-2000 Grafic-Design Department, Technical Vocational College Htbla Ortweingasse, Graz, Austria
Professional Experience
- 2011 – now Technology Director, Daily Tous Les Jours, Montreal, Canada
- 2013 – now yearly workshop "EEG via OSC" at Communication Media and Interaction Design, FH Joanneum, Graz, Austria
- 2010 Production Assistance, htmlles 2010 festival, Studio XX, Montreal, Canada
- 2009-2010 Research Assistant at the Advanced Research Technology Visualization and Collaboration Lab, Banff New Media Institute, The Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta, Canada
- 2007-2009 Designer at Handkerchief Production and assistant to artist Amy Cheung, Hong Kong
- 2003-2004 Designer in Residence at MECAD / ESDi
- 2000-2007 Various freelance and part time commitments in the fields of multimedia design
Exhibitions, performances, screenings, talks, publications ...
- Artist Talk, School for Poetic Computation, New York, Sept. 20th 2013
- La Figure de la Terre, Sophiensaele, Berlin, April 13th-20th 2013
- Artist Talk, McGill School for Architecture, Montreal, March 26th 2012
- Liquid Sound Collision at Generative art, Group Show, Fourth Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Sept. 22nd – Oct. 30th 2011
- Projekt M, Phonofemme Festival, Vienna, Oct. 30th 2011
- Liquid Sound Collision at Point-of-presence, Group Show, TRUCK gallery, Calgary, Canada, Sept. 9th – Oct. 6th 2011
- White Loop at Scotiabank Nuit Blanche Toronto, Toronto, Canada, Oct. 1st 2011
- Trojan Horse at Burning Man, Black Rock City, Nevada, US, Aug. 30th – Sept. 5th 2011
- Txt-Me-1st at New Media Archeology (Hong Kong Edition), ART HK 11, Hong Kong, May 26-29th 2011
- Artist Talk “Circuit Explorations” at Pixxelpoint, Nova Gorica, Slovenia, Dec. 4th 2010
- Liquid Sound Collision at CLASH: temporal intersections, Eastern Bloc, Montreal, Canada, Oct. 7-20th 2010
- Rainbow Sound Collision at MIGZ 2010 , Moscow, Russia, Sept. 3rd-4th 2010, MIGZ Motion screening program
- Liquid Sound Collisions, Cinematic Particles and Phyllotaxis Sphere featured in DATA FLOW 2 – Visualizing Information in Graphic Design, Editors: R. Klanten, N. Bourquin, S. Ehmann, T. Tissot, Publisher: Die Gestalten Verlag, Release: February 2010
- Liquid Sound Collision, L-Garden, Cinematic Particles featured in étapes, french print magazine, issue 176, January 2010
- Txt-Me-1st at Digit@logue, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, May-July 2008
- Digital Broadway Comission, Nottingham, UK, November 2007
- To Spin Art History at Japan Media Arts, Tokyo, Japan, Feb-March 2007, Jury Recommended Work in art division
- Tension at Future, IT-ceum, Linköping, Sweden, Dec 2006 – Feb 2007
- To Spin Art History at Live Herring, Jyväskylä, Finland, Nov 2006
- Ars electronica, Linz, Austria, 2003
- Contemporary Art in Graz, Graz, Austria, 2003
- MIKROKINO film festival, Belgrad, 2002
- Dilettanten, Steirischer Herbst, Graz, Austria, 2002
Mostly personal art projects of various scales, a few from school, a few from work
Fiber optics sculptures (2024)
Thing-a-day 2024 with house plants (2024)
Fiber optics clock (2023)
Dream:Log (2013-)
Brain, whatcha doing? (2022)
Engraving sound at Pier 9! (2015)
Building an Amateur Intelligence (2015)
Suspended Expectations, searching Chill Moments (2013)
La Figure de la Terre (2013)
Project M (2011)
Trojan Horse 2011 (2011)
White Loop (2011)
Thing-a-day toys / 2011 (2011)
Circuit Explorations (2010)
ana + kata (2010)
Hyper (2010)
Liquid Sound Collision (2009)
Reaction-Diffusion (2009)
Phyllotaxis Sphere (2008)
KitesFight (2008)
Txt-Me-1st (2008)
Spinal Rhythms (2007)
L-Garden (2007)
Cinematic Particles (2007)
Dipole Spin System (2006)
Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow (1963) (2006)
To Spin Art History (2006)
From notes on readings, sleep analysis, thought experiments to small javascript experiments
Refraction Reflection Refraction (2013)
Talking Hyper (2013)
Frequency bins (2012)
More Sleep Graphs (2012)
A Time of its Own (2012)
Thought Experiments / February 2012 (2012)
Intuition, Subliminal Perception and the Subconscious (2012)
Adventures in Sleeping (2012)
Why Algorithmic Visuals Ruin My Music Experience / Elektra 2011 (2011)
The Conspiracy Against Absoluteness (2011)
An Oscillating Reality Battle! (2011)
Hacking the Mind (2011)
Good Ideas and Notebooks (2011)
Geheimnisse einer Seele and Thinking Dreams (2010)
Do Computers Hallucinate Electric Sheep? (2011)
Cross-Talking, Colored Grapheme and Mental Chess (2010)
Neuroplasticity, Supersenses and Reciting Poems (2010)
Amplify the Neural Noise (2010)
White Noise, Oh So Lovely (2010)
Experience the Senses and Floating (2010)
Hypercubes, 3Dprint and Zoetropes (2010)
Dan Falk – In Search of Time (2010)
Steven Strogatz – SYNC (2010)
Immersive Virtual Art and the Essence of Spatiality (2010)
Proposal: Meta (1) (2010)
The Death of a Closed System (2010)
Plugins, libraries and code related things
ofxContourPlot (2014)
Lightning Sensing (2014)
Workshopping brainwaves (2014)
How to - Jitter Java Objects (2013)
Prep Windows machine for fulltime exhibition setup (2012)
ZeoLibrary (2012)
Hello First Processing Library (2012)
Mostly artists who's work I find inspiring
Troika (2012)
Carsten Nicolai (2010)
Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag (2010)
!!!computersclub.org (2010)
Heavenly Bodies – Karen Garrett de Luna (2010)
Philippe Rahm (2010)
Luke Jerram (2010)
Panos Tsagaris and Kimberley Norcott (2010)
Roman Kirschner (2010)
Other random things...
- I read a lot, so you can find me on goodreads
- Sci-fi book recommendations